Tonight we discussed an issue lots of our youth have to deal with - self esteem. Most of us have been blessed with great families and friends that support and encourage us, but sometimes we still struggle with people and situations that really tear us down and make it hard to see ourselves as the precious treasure God has created us to be. All of us deal with criticism and sometimes even ridicule. If we don't have a healthy self image, then it's easy to internalize this negative input and start to think that we are ugly, stupid, worthless - you name it.

We all know the saying "sticks and stones...", but words do hurt. a lot.
We need to realize that God passionately loves us, just like we are, and has created us for a wonderful beautiful purpose...and through Christ we can do anything. (Phillipians 4:13)
Everyone wrote one thing that they are good at on the board - what a variety of talents!!
For fun, we had three individuals role-play a scenario and were, well, let's just say they were misunderstood....just ask them if you'd like to hear the details.
Also, we crowned a new stare down contest champion - Alicia!!

Everyone got a purple Spirit bracelet to remind us not to complain~ cause nobody likes to be around a complainer... plus, the Bible explains how some complainers ended up...1 Corinthians 10: 10 And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel.
you don't want to mess with the destroying angel. just not a good idea.
Compliment Challenge~everyone is to attempt to compliment at least one person this week and share with the gr
oup next week how it goes.
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