This year we had six of our youth attend a confirmation retreat at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin with Wheatland Salem UMC's confirmation group. There were about 90 youth total.
Those who attended; Abbey, Brent, Tony, Alexei, Ashley and Jenny.
Kathleen and I packed the kids and their stuff in a sahweeet 15 pax party van and struck out north. We met Pastor Bob on the way and ate dinner at McDs. Then the excitement began...

As we crossed into Wisconsin, dark skies were racing from the west, lightning flashed and the rain unloaded. It was beautiful. We pulled into the camp and found out where to go - we parked on a hill near our cabin and next to a raging stormwater culvert. As Kathleen stepped down from the van, her dear Coach purse went on ahead and right into the water and zipped downhill. She screamed something about purse and water!? Pastor Bob intercepted and got a full drenching up to the knee. Way to go Pastor Bob.

We had a great little cabin with a room for the guys and one for the gals and a living room in between, complete with wood burning fireplace. Friday night we went to the gym, played some ball and then had icebreaker games and songs and pizza with the big group.
Saturday was cool, but the sun finally came out. Hey look, there's a lake!
We had breakfast, a big group session, lunch, big group games (monster ball volleyball, parachute bingo, chicken baseball, monarch ball tag, and the blob) then we joined with about 12 other youth and planned out a skit about "negative outlooks" The kids had fun and did a great job when we presented our skit to the big group Saturday night.

Carpetball was big fun. You just have to experience the mayhem!
Ask Jenny about swimming in the lake. Let me just say, we were asked to discontinue that activity.
Ask Alexei about his downhill skateboard run. beautiful thing.
Also ask Alexei, a.ka. Jack, a.k.a. BabyCakes, a.k.a. Chick Magnet about his animal magnetism, with both girls - and squirrels!
Saturday night was memorable. The speaker shared his life story and about his regrets and invited the youth to commit their lives to Christ - all responded. The youth expressed how they were touched and how this God thing is making more sense. We prayed for and with the kids. They are precious people. After some more songs and snacks, The Manhattan Six went to our cabin and built a fire and stayed up to midnight talking about important stuff. Stuff about God and life and death and good and bad. And love. The kids retired to their rooms as I watched the embers glow. I pray that the fire of Christ will burn in their hearts.
Sunday morning we had a communion service after breakfast and the 8th graders shared what confirmation meant to them in a big group. Before we headed out, we stopped by the boat house on the lake and had a prayer for safe travels home. I shared a verse that speaks to the experience we had this weekend; from John 10:10
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.On the way home we stopped for lunch at a pizza place, watched some baseball and then headed home. Safe. Peace, Out!