Youth Service
All the youth prepared for and presented a full youth led worship service on Sunday April 13th. Everyone did great - the readings, the prayers, attending the nursery, the birthday banner, the skit, "children's sermon", singing, greeting, ushering, circling around Norm and serving the refreshments afterwards. We are proud of all of you.
Nic Vujicic Video

Life balance was our lesson on April 23rd. We studied the verse Luke 2:52
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Contained in this one verse is the only information we have of Jesus' life from when he got separated from his parents at 12 years to the time he began his ministry at 30 years old. In this verse it describes how Jesus grew in a balanced way; in his relationships with others, his physical body, his mental intelligence and in his relationship with God. Jesus is our example. We must grow in all these areas or we will not be healthy - each one affects the others.
Dave Ferguson, a pastor at Community Christian Church in Naperville shared this verse and topic at a recent conference I attended. He used the RPMs gauge as the metaphor. Relational, Physical, Mental and Spiritual.
Coming soon...Confirmation Youth Retreat!
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